Three Key Learnings from 20 Years of Business

This month we celebrate our 20 year Anniversary. In any event this is a milestone that we are so proud of and also so grateful to celebrate.

Like any important milestone, there must be some time for reflection. What better way than to share three key learnings over that wonderful span.

One – Change is the only thing guaranteed

It’s safe to say, nothing ever remains the same, no matter how hard we try. In truth, it’s only natural that people, businesses, products and markets evolve.

Our Sales & Sustainability Manager, Michael Basagre, often references Charles Darwin’s quote on evolution. He believes it is something we need to be mindful.

“It’s not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change”.

Charles Darwin Quote

When it comes to Hi-Tech Packaging and reflecting on 20 years, one thing we know for sure is adapting to the ever-changing market has been critical to our success.

Whether that be shifting to a new building due to growth, or adapting our range and services in order to better align with our purpose.

For example, when we first kicked off, we were selling general packaging, small portable TV’s and even Quad Bikes at one stage. Now we provide guidance on all things sustainable packaging.

If you want to survive in business, be prepared to adapt.

Two – Technology has come a long way

Reflecting on our business through the lens of technology, reveals just how far technology has come.

To think we have access to everything we could possibly learn, need or want at the tip of our fingers through our smartphones was almost unimaginable 20 years ago.

For example, having to take orders today versus 20 years ago looks widely different. There was a time when receiving a fax (for those who still remember) or even hand-written orders was the norm. Fast forward to today, and you’d be crazy to take any type of order not coming in through emails or a fully integrated system.


Our learning when it comes to technology, is this. Invest early (where you financially can) and be prepared to understand how it can benefit your business. Whilst it nice to have shiny new things, not all technology benefits every business.

For us technology isn’t necessarily all hardware related. For us it’s been investing in our website, social media platforms, and communications in order to provide the best service and outcomes for our customers and business.

Speaking of communications, if you haven’t already subscribed to our blogs or following our social media then hit the buttons below, we are actively sharing our knowledge, market insights and all things sustainability and sustainable packaging.

Three – People are your biggest assets!

To avoid sounding cliché, we really do believe that people have been our biggest asset to the business.

There’s a great saying that compliments this point which is, “if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together”.

The people who have come before us, have actually helped create the path for those who are here today. Those who are here today are helping pave the way for those to come in the future.

Being a smaller team means we can be agile in our strategies and approach to the market. Be that as it may, our team not only have the mindset for this, but the skills to execute.

So, whilst people come and go, there’s one thing that stays constant. You need people to help get you to where you want to go.

Our learning is this. Invest in those who want to grow with your vision and goals. Be okay that others may naturally outgrow their roles, or even over time, the alignment may change as people’s lives change. As we mentioned in point one, “Change is the only thing guaranteed”.

Hi-Tech Packaging Team

To summarise, 20 years is a long time in business. We’ve seen plenty of changes, experienced many challenges, including the Global Financial Crisis, Recessions and more recently COVID! But also had the opportunity to see people grow and unlock their potential. Together we have helped organizations with their packaging, and ultimately contribute to our packaging community both here and around the world. Hi-Tech Packaging is now on a mission to “provide safe and sustainable packaging, now and for the future”.

Hi-Tech Packaging Ltd Vision

We are forever grateful for those who have been part of our Hi-Tech Packaging family throughout the years, including our people, partners, suppliers and of course our valued customers. We thank you for being part of our journey and we hope you continue to be part of our mission ahead.