As we hit the mid-point of January 2024, it’s also a time where New Zealand supposedly hits summer.

I say supposedly because we are prone to crazy weather during this time of the year. Despite it being summer, the country is often hit with rain, floods and even cyclones (2023)!

Regardless of what the weather poses or doesn’t, this time of the year is when most people start heading back to work after a couple of weeks off, school slowly trickles back and summer fruits and Kiwi BBQ’s streaming through the backyards.

So with that, we thought why not share some sustainable summer vibes.

Having yourself a backyard BBQ?

Why not try cooking extra food?

This forces you to do a couple of sustainable behaviours;

  1. Buying your food in bulk rather than in smaller packages, especially if you plan on cooking meat. This automatically reduces the amount of packaging. Plus, if you don’t plan on cooking all the meat at once, why not divide the meat into portions and freeze in containers. Typically this is a cheaper option than buying multiple packs.

2. You automatically have leftovers, need I say more! BBQ food keeps pretty well in the fridge for a couple of days, and as we highlighted in one of Food Waste Blogs last year, left overs somehow tend to taste that much better the next couple of days.

Foodwaste Tips

Going back to work?

Reusable Container Lunch

Why not try to get into the habit of bringing in lunch in a reusable container?

As we tend to have a bit more time on our hands (as we ease into work) and have more leftover food in the fridge, it’s the perfect time to embed good habits.

Bringing in your lunch not only is more cost-effective, but will also be a bit more sustainable than grabbing the drive-thru takeaways.

Plus, we’re all trying to shave some of the Holiday belly, so it’s another good idea to bring your lunch in.

Kids starting new schools or finished school altogether?

Donations Clothes

Why not donate or sell your kids old uniforms?

As we enter a new school year and somehow kids seem to outrageously grow out of their uniforms during the holidays, why not donate or sell your kids uniforms. Most schools tend to have an option where you can donate and even purchase second hand uniforms.

Pick your own strawberries!


Not only is this potentially a more sustainable option than buying packaged strawberries, it’s also a lot of fun!

If the weather behaves, try heading out to a strawberry farm and pick your own.

Like all the other tips beforehand, this saves a bit of cash and even packaging!

Often strawberry farms allow you to pick using bulk buckets and containers. They also allow you to eat while you pick your strawberries, so a WIN/WIN!

If you’re thinking, I’ll never be able to eat what I pick then freeze the rest and use them in a summer smoothie!

Invest in a good double-wall drink bottle!

Water Bottle

When the weather does decide to play and the sun does come out, it is extremely hot, so make sure you “SLIP, SLOP & SLAP!” but also drink lots of water.

Nothing worse than coming down with heat wave or being dehydrated.

So, instead of buying bottled water to keep you hydrated, invest in a good double wall drink bottle.

Why the double wall?

It keeps the water cooler for longer and in summer that’s equally as refreshing as biting into a juicy slice of watermelon or a fresh dip into the beach!

To conclude, summer is an opportunity to refresh, recharge and revitalise 2024.

It’s also an opportunity to add new habits that benefit both the back pocket and the environment.

And if 2023 has taught us anything, both those factors were pretty important to everyone as they dominated news headlines.

Till next time,

Hi-Tech Packaging Team